P. Syndika 36, 54248
Mon - Fri: 9am to 7pm
Sat: 10am to 3pm

Form Action

The official Web-Site of the company “Form Action”.


FORM ACTION the company station in the field of moulds. The rise of FORM ACTION has been significant in recent years as its current form is found in its new privately owned facilities in the industrial area of Sindos, Thessaloniki. The company is housed in an area of 1000 square meters and in a building that has nothing to envy from a modern industrial construction. The premises consist of office and production areas.


The design and manufacture of high quality moulds is a challenge for FORM ACTION and its human resources.

The secretarial support is ready to assist you with any information. The design department, with its know-how and experience, creates and presents your future product in no time. The mould manufacturing and testing area has all the production standards.


For more information visit the website by clicking here:
